What’s New!

March 2014

Scale Management System (SMS) now available!

  • NO Corrosive Acids added to the water …
  • NO Polyphosphates added to the water
  • NO Electric or Magnetics used in the process …

How does it work? We have selected a media-based method of managing scale*, with our proprietary patent-pending media. The secret to our new technology is quite simple. Hard water is composed of various forms of minerals – some good, some not so good. By using our new patent-pending derivative of media used in a true water softener, we are able to selectively remove the “bad” minerals that love to stick to faucets, dishes and shower doors, while leaving the “good” mineral that is dissolved in the water. The photos below tell the story.

The scale is minimal and is very, very powdery, and is known as manageable. Common scale build-up on a water heater element, drastically reducing its performance. Imagine this on the dishes in the dishwasher, on the shower doors and faucets heads, and even sticking to your skin while bathing.

This very unique process allows you to enjoy many benefits of scale-managed water. We do like to stress the point that this is not soft water; this is scale-managed water. We have unlocked the key to managing scale without using potentially harmful electricity, adding corrosive citric acid, or slipping in polyphosphates to do the trick. Our cartridges are very simple to change out, and – because they do not contain potentially harmful additives – can be disposed into the trash. *Unless scale and/or minerals are removed, it is not regarded as softened water.